Now in Stock: BL5340PA Dual-Core, Multi-Protocol, Long-Range Bluetooth Module from Ezurio (formerly Laird Connectivity)

The BL5340PA delivers our most advanced, secure, and highest performing dual-core MCU architecture wireless solution available.

Published on April 13, 2023

Now in Stock: BL5340PA Dual-Core, Multi-Protocol, Long-Range Bluetooth Module from Ezurio (formerly Laird Connectivity)

The BL5340PA (Power Amplified) is now in stock and ready for your Bluetooth application! This is our most advanced, secure, and highest performing dual-core MCU architecture wireless solution available. Powered by Nordic Semiconductor’s nRF5340 SoC and nRF21540 FEM, this Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) module series directly targets applications that require the longest range and highest MCU performance. 

Adding the nRF21540 RF FEM improves the link budget and connection robustness and significantly increases wireless range versus only using the nRF5340 SoC. The partnering of the nRF5340 and nRF21540 together into a certified module enables a wide range of use cases including industrial predictive maintenance and long-range LE Audio capabilities.

Stand-out features include: 

  • Multi-protocol support
    • Bluetooth LE
    • 802.15.4 (Thread/Zigbee)
    • NFC
  • Dual-Core Cortex M33 processors
    • Application processor - 128 / 64 MHZ M33 – 1 MB Flash / 512 KB RAM (including DSP instructions)
    • Network processor – 64 MHz M33 – 256 KB Flash / 64 KB RAM
  • Integrated nRF21540 FEM – up to +18.5dBM output power Bluetooth LE
  • Widest range of configurable interfaces:
    • QDEC, comparator, low power comparator
  • Extended operating temperature (up to 105°C) 
  • Hostless operation – Dual-Core MCU reduces BOM 
  • Fully featured development kits 

Visit the BL5340PA product page for more information, documentation, and links to buy directly from our distribution partners.