New BL600 Demo Featuring Virtual Serial Port- Zero Programming!

Published on January 22, 2014

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New BL600 Demo Featuring Virtual Serial Port- Zero Programming!

Virtual Serial Port (vSP) Demonstration

A new video demonstration for Laird’s BL600 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) modules is now available. The demo features virtual serial port (vSP), a custom service that allows bi-directional data exchange between the BL600 module and a Central mode device. The video consists of two short demonstrations. The first half of the demo showcases Bridge mode using the BL600 module, followed by a run through of Command mode.

The major benefit of these vSP modes within any BL600 firmware from v1.3.57.0 is simple – zero programming or development is required. Simply pull 2 hardware pins to the required states and that is it!

Laird’s vSP Bridge Mode provides for a serial cable replacement service where the default baud rate is 9600. If an OEM would like to configure various aspects of the virtual serial port, then Command mode can be utilized to query the BL600 for various information type AT commands, as well as vSP configuration parameters via AT+CFG commands (100 to 116 inclusive).

The full video demonstration is available here and further highlight’s Laird’s commitment to providing simple, easy to use BLE capabilities to the BL600 product range that speeds time to prototype and ultimately time to market.

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