Coming Soon: New Temperature Probe Sensor for Food Safety Monitoring

Published on March 13, 2020

Coming Soon: New Temperature Probe Sensor for Food Safety Monitoring

We are pleased to announce the latest addition to the Sentrius™ RS1xx family of IoT sensors, the RS1xx External RTD Temperature Probe. This battery powered, long-range sensor platform leverages the benefits of LoRaWAN and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connectivity. Packaged in a small, rugged form factor containing superior RF performance and connected to a stainless-steel probe measuring just 100mm (4”) in length, this IoT sensor houses a Class A tolerance PT100 RTD with a measurement temperature range of 0°C to 180°C (350°F).

The RS1xx External RTD Temperature Probe is designed for use in any environment from 0°C to 180°C where a shorter stainless-steel probe is beneficial. An ideal use case includes mounting the probe inside a commercial kitchen smoker and monitoring low and slow cooking temperatures and transmitting that data over LoRaWAN. Additional application areas include:

  • Food safety management
  • Agricultural environmental monitoring 
  • Industrial heating and cooling 

LoRaWAN options for this sensor include 868, 915, and 923 MHz frequencies. It also works with our Sentrius RG1xx IoT Gateway for simple out-of-the-box integration and is compatible with 3rd party cloud and LoRa network ecosystem partners.

For specifications and access to preliminary documentation, visit: